Mrs. Anna Maria Andrews Kent
Born c.1802 Died May 8, 1875
Red Hook Methodist Cemetery, Village of Red Hook.On the eastern side toward the back in the Andrews plot
Anna Maria’s maiden name is unknown but she was born c.1802 in New York State. She married George Andrews and had three daughters with him. Georgiana Andrews (1842–1905) was an organist at the Methodist church in 1866 and for many years after and taught school at the two-room schoolhouse in the village, Getrude Andrews (1840–1921), and Helen Andrews (1837–1876) who married Legrand Beaumont Curtis (son of John and Jane Curtis, also buried in this cemetery) and had three children, John A. (1868–1930, married Martha Waldorf), Ruth (1873–1892), and Florence (1875–1882). She and Legrand are buried at St. Paul’s Lutheran Cemetery. Getrude Andrews (1840–1921) never married.
Anna Maria’s daughter, Helen Andrews Curtis 1837-1876
Anna Maria’s daughters and Emily Paulmier (also buried in this cemetery) were singers and/or pianists in the Red Hook Band together in the 1860s. After George Andrews died, Anna probably married a Mr. Kent as she appeared in the 1865 NYS census as Ann M. Kent who had been married twice, residing with her Andrews daughters in Red Hook. Her home was on Kent Street which Edmund Bassett noted was named for that family. Later, all three daughters and Legrand Curtis would call it home.
When Anna was enumerated in the 1870 census, she appeared in the home of her daughter, Helen Curtis. Her tombstone is badly eroded and the year of her death, 1875, is illegible, but it was recorded in Old Gravestones of Dutchess County before it was lost forever.